"Meet you at Moonrise" ... Kachina Woman, Ancient Earth Mother and the Gift of Play

“Meet at Moonrise at 4.18pm …”

Excited for the happy coincidence that our Women’s Retreat in Sedona was falling on the Virgo Full Moon, and even more excited to realize our Saturday afternoon expedition would look to the rising moon … it all seemed like an extremely special sign.

However, where the specific time of 4.18pm for Moonrise came from was something of a puzzle … yet, the words came from my mouth, and no-one questioned, and so we joyfully rode out in our caravan of cars to the hiking trail for Kachina Woman Rock.

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Space Between the Notes - Creating Inner Space through Awareness

I consider the practice of self observation to be a fundamental starting point when establishing a healthier relationship to ourselves. This process of receptive awareness, which can be found in many meditation practices, is a bit like like slowing down the speed dial on a record player. By slowing the speed, there comes a point where it is possible to clearly hear each note. Then to slow a little more, it becomes possible to hear the space between the notes.

Imagine doing this with your mind. Slowing the mind, first to hear the individual thoughts as they arise. Then to hear the space between the thoughts.

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Jess LakinComment
The Women’s Transformation Path

The most powerful aspect of my work as a life coach, is supporting my clients to appreciate that what they feel of their lives to be stuck and immovable, is only seated in their perception. Transformation is possible! It begins right now, and follows a path of unfolding.

The butterfly’s journey of becoming from being a caterpillar, is a symbol of the transformational pathway across many indigenous traditions. If we reflect on this process of change it is nothing short of miraculous. Caterpillar builds her cocoon, within which she makes a complete transformation, to emerge with wings and an ability to take flight.

In the same way, when we approach the process of transformation in our own lives, we require something of a cocoon. Perhaps more energetic in nature, this cocoon must hold a space of possibility - free of doubts, disbelief and judgements.

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Jess LakinComment
Meditation - The Snow Globe and the Power of Resetting

When I introduce myself as a meditation guide, a common response is "oh, I can't meditate. I can't stop my mind!". I usually respond something like "yep, that's normal" and go on to share my perspective - that the primary focus of meditation is not about stopping the mind at all, but more so about bringing awareness to what the mind is doing.

In my response, I hope to open a window of possibility for those who have already decided meditation isn't for them. Then I remind that meditation isn't about sitting on a cushion and closing one's eyes (although this can help), that everything has the potential to be a meditation - from walking, to listening to music, to standing in the Post Office line, to washing the dishes. I consider meditation more as an attitude of approach - an opening into becoming present to what's happening right here and now!

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Jess LakinComment
5 Steps to Living Inspiration

Can you remember the last time you experienced a moment of inspiration? A flash of an idea or a vision of new possibilities? Recall what this felt like. Perhaps it came with a sensation of pure vitality and lightness, and a feeling of excitement. These inspirational moments may come at the most unexpected times, while driving, or listening to music, often while in a dreamy easy space when the mind is relaxed.

It has become my view that these little seeds of inspiration, these dream seeds of possibility are a powerful source of energy and life potential. They come to us as gifts, as guiding arrows to say “go this way … place your energy here!”

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Jess Lakin
Mothertree Women's Retreats

Mothertree Women’s Retreats started out from a call to provide an in-person experience for the women who had been attending our Thursday Night Women’s Circle over zoom during the pandemic. There was a desire in the Circle to meet each other. It was the ignition we needed to make a start!

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Jess Lakin
Power of Sisterhood - Journey of an online Women's Circle

There is something quite magical which occurs when women come together in community. In my own life, even after moving to faraway places, feeling part of a supportive community, a Sisterhood, has been paramount. Perhaps this is why I was first drawn to create women’s circles, and it was through establishing these circles that I began to see, time and again, how the space supported personal transformation. That gentle forward momentum that came through being together, listening to each other’s stories and sharing.

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Jess Lakin
Slow Dance of the Joshua Trees & the Wisdom of Stillness

We stayed for quite some time and watched the sky turn from gold to a deep dark blue. The moon, in her perfect crescent appeared from behind the mountain, and when the last of the meandering humans left and the stars appeared, the trees came alive. There on the high desert plateau, the Joshua Trees gazed to the heavens … as if receiving distant messages, in their statuesque slow dance.

Perched high on what felt to be the roof of the world, away from the turbulent energies of the pandemic, I was able to settle into a space of inner stillness. And in the settling, something opened within me. A sense of expansion and connection in which I felt intimately part of the landscape. Feeling the dance of the changing colors, feeling the trees and stones, feeling the intricate web of aliveness, which included owls, snakes, tortoises and prickly plants of all shapes and sizes..

And most strikingly, here in this space, emerged a deep and nourishing peace. It seemed to filter through my whole being … bringing a simple message “all is well”.

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Self-nourishment through inspiration

Happy Earth Day and Taurus New Moon, and blessings from Lakshmi’s roses!

This rose bush has become very special to me. Over the past years I’ve spent most days meditating in her presence. And she has always been incredibly abundant, providing flowers for my altar and my home.

A few weeks ago, nearing the lockdown situation, I arrived to my morning meditation to find she’d been severely pruned! The fact this happened at that moment was incredibly upsetting. As the weeks have passed, I’ve continued to meditate in her presence, and then, around a week ago the first flowering bud emerged. And look at her now - I have never seen her in such abundance!

I feel a gentle yet comforting wisdom in the message she is conveying. That even during moments which seem bare and depleted, there is an underlying process of rejuvenation. Even if we can’t see change, to hold space for the movement that may be happening in the pause.

During this journey of the roses, I have noticed a mirroring in my own life. After lockdown happened, I moved into a phase which felt like a pause. It was few weeks of sifting and recalibration. But as I aligned to the new rhythm, as the mud settled and the picture became clearer, I notice a gentle forward movement, and there have even been some beautiful opportunities emerging. Just like the roses, in my own way, there has been a blossoming.

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Jess Lakin