Planting Seeds of Self-Care
Within my coaching practice, I've been so inspired to witness my clients making incredible changes in their lives... stepping into new careers, addressing and accessing support for long-term health issues, setting up their own businesses, creating positive balance in their closest relationships. I notice in all cases that this transformation sprouted from the same place .... of planting a seed of self-care.
Their transformation did not come from making grand sweeping changes. It started with the smallest of actions and was guided by an attitude of inner enquiry and a series of choices which waltzed towards that which was nourishing and inspiring, and moved away from that which was depleting. It started with the smallest of steps but lead to personal transformation of a grand and sweeping kind.
Take a moment to reflect on your relationship with yourself, without judgement.
When you get up in the morning, how do you greet yourself? When you look in the mirror, what do you say? Do you take time to pause, to breathe, to stretch and open your joints? Do you take time to notice the feeling of the earth below your feet, to feel your connection before moving off into your day? And as you walk through your day, are you able to direct just a few choices, out of the million choices you make, towards your self-care?
You may gleam some interesting insights from these questions and be surprised at what you discover. If you find that there is room for a little more self-care, then start with the small stuff. Just dip your toe into the nectar and notice what happens.
If you're interested to explore where this path can take you, and feel you would like support and mentorship along the way, then consider reaching out to me. I offer a free no commitment discovery session to anyone interested in coaching support.