5 Steps to Living Inspiration
Can you remember the last time you experienced a moment of inspiration? A flash of an idea or a vision of new possibilities? Recall what this felt like. Perhaps it came with a sensation of pure vitality and lightness, and a feeling of excitement. These inspirational moments may come at the most unexpected times, while driving, or listening to music, often while in a dreamy easy space when the mind is relaxed.
It has become my view that these little seeds of inspiration, these dream seeds of possibility are a powerful source of energy and life potential. They come to us as gifts, as guiding arrows to say “go this way … place your energy here!”
Yet it is what happens next that really matters in terms of how this inspirational energy is brought into our lives.
Travel back to the last time you received one of these inspirations. Did you notice it as a seed of potential and possibility? Were you moved to take action on the basis of what you were shown? Or did it dissolve back into the ethers passing only a dream?
This is the edge of dream and reality. The delicate interplay between the imaginary realm and our lived experience. This place of wonderment, from which all possibilities emerge is always present, however it is up to us how we interact with it.
Spend time with a young child. Go on a walk and notice how they respond to the world. They live in this place of dream and reality. The fascination of finding a stick, or jumping in a puddle, the chance encounter with a ladybug or the neighborhood cat. All these things, to our eyes perhaps so ordinary and mundane, however to the child seen and experienced in pure miraculousness and joy. The child doesn’t doubt the magic of their lived experience.
As we grow older there is an unconsious pull away from play, and we are sometimes instructed to stop day dreaming. To pull our head out of the clouds and get real. But perhaps this is the reason we get stuck and life becomes dry and bland, why spirits dampen, when vitality and passion is lost.
Inspiration, dream, imagination and play feeds life, fuels creativity.
In .. spir …ation, to imbue Spirit, from the word inspirare - to breathe into, inspire.
It is the very essence of how we breathe aliveness into our life, and is essential to our well-beingness, balance and contentment.
In my coaching work, I encourage a turning towards inspiration with careful attention. To allow imagination and dreams to unfold, and to nurture them with tenderness.
If you feel dull and depleted from the patterns which have built up around you, then look out for inspiration. It is a source of light, and a clue as to what genuinely feeds you.
These are some key steps that I have found help in this process:
Start Watching! When a flash of inspiration arrives, or you find yourself in dream space (both sleeping and waking dreams), take time to notice, write down the message, give space and gratitude, but most importantly see it as something to be treasured.
Start sharing your dreams and inspirations with those who believe in you and who you trust. The act of sharing is powerful in itself, and supports the dream and it’s energy to unfold. However, choose carefully who to share with as it must be someone who is willing to rest and enjoy being in the dream space with you, without jumping into offering solutions or even shooting down your idea.
Open your intuition in the spirit of play. As inspirations arise, allow intuitive guidance to come forth. Perhaps a person will jump into your mind, or a place, or a specific memory. Pay attention to these intuitions as they often provide clues to the next step.
Take action … quickly. If an idea emerges, take action and quickly. My experience is all potentially for that inspirational seed is present at that moment. Seize it and take the action. Wait too long and the moment may pass.
Relax, watch and wait for the next inspiration!
Over time, you may look back to find your inspirations have taken you on the most incredible path, a path you didn’t even know existed at the start of the journey.
If you are interested in harnessing your inspirations and would like to create new opportunities for yourself in your life, you may be interested in the Women’s Transformation Path.
The Women’s Transformation Path is a 4 month personal and group program, for women who are ready to step into new chapters in life and may focus on health, wellbeing, relationships, manifesting dream projects and initiating career changes.
If you are looking for a powerful shift and uplift, this program provides the rocket fuel to turn what may have been a dream into reality. You will learn to harness your own energy, dissolve limiting patterns and beliefs which may have held you back for years, learn how to work with your intuition and step into your power.
If you are interested to know more, I offer a 30 minute complimentary session. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you on your path of inspiration.
Written By Dr Jess Lakin, Holistic Coach, March 2022