Breathing Space for Parents offers a nurturing and compassionate space for parents to take a breath and recharge from the fast paced nature of our modern world. Through coming together in community to share in a gentle yoga, breath and meditative practice, these parent circles provide a moment of calm reflection as well as offering supportive strategies which can be taken home and shared with children and teens.
This 4 session series specializes in demystifying breath, meditation and movement practices, and demonstrates how these tools can be applied into daily life and parenting to cultivate awareness, presence and compassion. The gentle inner enquiry that is promoted is beneficial for parents wishing to breathe fresh air into their parenting approaches or to bring flexibility to stuck situations. Each session includes a gentle yoga, meditation and relaxation practice, including sound immersion. No prior experience of yoga or meditation is required, only a willingness to have a go!
Jess Lakin is Yoga/Meditation Teacher & Holistic Coach, with a background in Child and Family Clinical Psychology and parenting support. She created Breathing Space for Parents out of her personal observations of the powerful benefits of yoga/meditation practice for parents.
Classes are on 5/1/19, 5/8/19, 5/15/19, 5/21/19 from 10-11.30am at Pacific Palisades Women’s Club. Please note, this is a parent only series.
Cost for full series: $120 to be paid in advance.
Please contact if you would like to know more or book a space for this series. Space is limited.