In this workshop we explore intuition and the wisdom of the heart. We ask what is intuition, how it helps us to navigate our lives, and how we can cultivate and deepen our relationship with it. We deep dive into the heart and what it feels like when we turn our attention to our hearts and listen.
Everyone is intuitive, however it is a skill which must be cultivated. It requires some training to attune to it through deeper listening and sensing.
Intuition refers to that deeper knowingness, the inkling or feeling we may get. It is our inner guidance system and its pathway is through the body and the heart.
In industrialized societies, our attunement to intuition has been dulled through the emphasis on the mind, logic, science and materialism. it is not to denounce the incredible capacity of the mind, however on its own, and the over-emphasis of thinking our way through life can lead us into rabbit holes, entanglements and a sense of isolation from the outer world.
Intuition may feel like a softer pathway of wisdom, however it comes from a place of connection, feeling, listening and attunement. It is the messaging from our bodies, which feel and receive everything. Each cell within our body is a fine tuned energetic receptor. We read everything energetically and our body holds that information. Intuition is linked to the energeries of the heart and the incredible capacity for the heart to know.
This workshop is an opportunity to explore your relationship with intuition and your heart. We will share in a meditative and relaxation practices to loosen the grip of the thinking mind, and listen to the heart. We will explore some fun intuitive practices which you can take away to cultivate your intuition.. You’ll have opportunity to share into the circle.