Magic in the ordinariness of every moment!

A year ago I visited India. It was my first time there and my first time traveling alone for quire some time. It seemed like an epic adventure. In fact, while I was there every moment seemed like an adventure - a blur of activity, color, sound and new experience.

Reflecting back I realize that the real lesson is "every moment is an adventure". You don't have to go to India to experience it, although for me it seemed to open my eyes. There is magic in the ordinariness of every moment.

It's like walking or driving down the same street thousands of times, perhaps its on your route to work. Then one day, you look up and notice something new. Perhaps you notice the tops of a building, or a moment of beauty as a bird sweeps through the sky. When you live life on "automatic mode" it's like being asleep. Magic in the ordinariness of every moment reminds us to wake up, to bring the full weight of our awareness to the now and savor the magnificence.  

Photo © 2018 Jess Lakin, Offering to Mother Ganges

Jess Lakin