Power of Sisterhood - Journey of an online Women's Circle
There is something quite magical which occurs when women come together in community. In my own life, even after moving to faraway places, feeling part of a supportive community, a Sisterhood, has been paramount. Perhaps this is why I was first drawn to create women’s circles, and it was through establishing these circles that I began to see, time and again, how the space supported personal transformation. A gentle forward momentum that came through being together, listening and sharing.
When the global shift came in the form of the pandemic in March 2020, my first, almost intuitive response was to find a way to continue my weekly women’s circle, which until then I’d been running from my living room. My inkling was that the space would be needed more than ever. The intuition was so strong it propelled me to overcome my IT technological anxieties, and so I set up a Zoom account, advertised on Meet-Up, and committed to an hour every Thursday evening.
In those early days, it felt something like stepping out blindfolded. Opening the screen every week to meet new faces. Strangers dialing in from their living quarters, sometimes from far-off parts of the USA, each seeking breathing space amidst the ebbs and flows of the pandemic. We started each circle with a short meditation, and afterwards, turned the space over to the women, allowing them to share whatever they felt called to offer.
The conditions simple. 1. to come to the space with honor and respect, 2. to uphold confidentiality and 3. to withhold from offering advice or solutions - being clear that the circle was not a therapy or advice group. Over time, many stories were shared. Stories of lockdown, job changes, family pressures. Stories specific to life stage or experience, for example from women who were pregnant, single, divorced, younger women, older women. But beyond these specifics, more expanded stories - of aspirations, inspirations and dreams, experiences and learnings.
And so it began to build, that familiar sense which I’d felt from my earlier in-person circles. Perhaps it’s more easily described as a vibration - a sense of mutual safety and trust, where one can pause to rest for a while, listen, and if called, to share something of oneself.
Over the weeks and months, I started to observe not only blossoming friendships but personal forward momentum - that gentle yet powerful transformative alchemy as the women initiated changes in their lives. It often began as a shift in perspective, or a softening in ones attitude especially to self-care, work or responsibilities. Many came to the circle sharing a similar patterning, in which taking time for self nurturance was placed lower down on the priority list. Many were seeking to bring awareness to their relationship to self, to transform what was stressful in their lives and reconnect to their passion. It became a portal to look inward. A kind of two-fold journey - as they got to know each other, to champion each other and celebrate each other successes, they held more space for themselves.
Why do these circles become a vehicle for personal transformation?
From my perspective, the magic is held in the space, and the natural unfolding and expansive alchemy of inspiration and awareness. The most important and primary ingredient being the safety and trust offered by the space itself. It is from here that space opens within the individual.
In joining together to bear witness to each other, there is a collective co-creation of a space founded on compassion and non-judgement. In witnessing each other, we see ourselves. In listening to each other we hear ourselves. In speaking into this safety with trust, we allow energies to move. We rediscover the power of inspiration, as each other’s stories and experiences ignite our inner spark. We understand we are not so different from each other after all, in our individual challenges, hopes and aspirations … yet we are different, and unique and each bring something valuable to the table simply for being who we are. It feels that the circle opens a place to be and relax in this being. We see that what is most important, is the process by which we come to our own awareness, rather than seeking some outer authority for solutions. It is the dance of awareness, whereby we discover that the answers we have been seeking are already within us.
Our Thursday night circle is now 18 months into its journey and it has been an absolute joy to host the space. I am so grateful to all those who courageously jumped in, and I continue to hear the echoes of their wisdom. Mostly, it is so wonderful is to see the community which has blossomed, the friendships which have grown and continue to grow, and the unfolding creative inspirational energy, as members of the circle go on to inspire their own projects. Just as a single candle flame can light so many others, the safety and security of a community built on trust, equanimity and allowing ones light to shine, only opens to more light.
Our community continues to evolve. What began as a humble online circle, which was only a seed of inspiration at the beginning of the pandemic, has birthed in to what has now become Mothertree Women’s Retreats. On Solstice, 13 from our group met for the first time, in non-virtual space, in Joshua Tree.
Joshua Tree Mothertree Women’s Retreat, 2021
The Circle has strengthened my belief in the value and power of Sisterhood. We can hold each other up, we can celebrate each other for who we are, we can support the blossoming of our gifts and work together for the benefit of all beings and life on our planet.
Winter Reign & Jess Lakin, Founders of Mothertree Women’s Retreat
If you are interested to join the circle sign up here! New members are always welcome. Our circle takes place every Thursday evening at 8pm Pacific, and is by donation. If you are new to the group, you will be invited to a personal welcome meeting.
I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into the community!