Jess Lakin

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Life Energy Mandala - Embracing New Paths and Possibilities through Energy, Awareness & the Heart of Living!

An empowering awareness arises through understanding our lives are in the flow of constant movement and there is a thread of connection, energy and growth through this journey.

Life is dynamic, not static. Things are meant to shift and change. It is a normal part of our path to grow. Inspiration is a key part of our guidance, and the journey flows most easily when it is joyful!

However to what extent are these wisdoms front and center as we make choices in our lives? Do we cultivate space for growth? Do we nurture movement and change, or do we resist? Are we actively listening out for inspiration and making choices on this basis? Are we stepping into what brings joy?

Finding and nurturing these threads of awareness and growth, is the focus of Life Energy Mandala, a holistic group mentorship program supporting women on their personal journey of purpose, self-leadership and fulfillment.

Life Energy Mandala is in itself a weaving of the threads of my own journey across more than 25 years of practice in Clinical Psychology and Holistic Healing Traditions, bringing together fundamentals of energy and consciousness practices, offering an interactive and creative curriculum, held within an inspirational and supportive community circle.

At it’s heart is the understanding that powerful change arises through how we view ourselves and what we hold possible. Can we dare to dream of a different reality? What happens when we open our listening capacity, and hold space for the desires nestled within our hearts? How do we make a start and then sustain the momentum to carry us forward?

Life Energy Mandala is for women who find themselves at a cross-roads in their lives. Perhaps they are facing a change in circumstance, in personal relationships, health or career, and they have come to an inner acknowledgement of readiness for change.

It is a change which always starts with the self - a calling for more understanding and self-kindness. To create more space to be and to nurture ones true gifts and passions. It starts with the self but unfolds into all aspects of life, and so walking on this path opens into new opportunities and possibilities.

Life Energy Mandala holds open a space for each woman to gather together the threads of her life experience, intentions, values, gifts and resiliences, to weave a new tapestry of how she sees herself and where she is going. This reclamation feels powerfully fresh and life-giving, appreciating wholeness, cycles of growth and release, and settling into a quiet confidence of feeling at ease with who she is.

Being part of the program is like being held within a protective energetic cocoon in which it is possible to explore new perspectives of ourselves, presented through 12 learning modules, each opening a new way of visioning.

The community circle offers a supportive and inspirational space to share, play, witness and be seen. Often the group bears witness to what we cannot see for ourselves, the group holds the space and belief in what is possible, when we’re not yet able to do this for ourselves. This is the power of being in a cohesive and compassionate community.

From my personal perspective, it is truly incredible to witness what emerges through the program. I never know the path that will emerge for each woman, but I trust whole-heartedly in the process.

I know that through the practice of deeper listening, of honoring and embracing our innate beauty (of wholeness, gifts, passions, experiences), while steering and guiding ourselves according to our own energetic balance, and providing the support to step into the change we wish be, with courage, the universal energies of flow and alignment carry us forward in expansive and exciting ways.

Life Energy Mandala starts in August, and enrollment is now open!

Interested to learn more? I offer a 30 minute complimentary Inspire Session those who are interested and aligned. To register for your Inspire Session complete the short application here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the program?

  • An online curriculum covering 12 learning modules over 6 months, with a new module every 2 weeks.

  • A weekly online women’s circle.

  • Personal coaching sessions which run across the program and designed to address your specific intentions. Sessions are conducted online.

  • Flexible registration options - register for 2 month periods or for the full 6 month program.

Who is the Program for?

For women, open to all ages over 18 years, who are seeking a positive, holistic and non-traditional approach to life transformation in the areas of their personal lives, self-esteem, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, relationships and career/work.

What Transformation Can I Expect from this Program?

  • Greater clarity over your life’s direction, passions and purpose.

  • Greater self-understanding, compassion and self-confidence.

  • Self-mastery in the use and understanding of energy and consciousness approaches such as meditations, breath and embodiment practices.

  • New community and connections.

  • Expanded opportunities and success across different aspects of your life - new jobs, relationships, new projects.

What is the Curriculum?

The curriculum follows a rolling program and focuses on the following 12 Modules:

  • Your Path, Intentions and the Possibilities in a Step - Bringing compassion and awareness to your path - the twists, turns, ups and downs which have brought you to the present. We appreciate that each step, whether challenging or joyful, has been important for bringing you to now. We look into the future to explore your intentions and highest vision. Learn the principles of walking an intentional path.

  • The Two Pulses of Life - Expansion & Contraction - We explore these fundamental energies, understanding they are both important aspects of life and movement. You achieve a deeper awareness of how these energies interplay across the relationships and experiences of your life.

  • Listening from the Heart - An introduction to the wisdoms and teachings of the heart chakra. You are guided to connect to your heart, and to start listening to life from there.

  • Life Energy, Inspiration & Creativity - In this session you explore where and when you feel 'alive', what creativity means to you, and why inspiration is a profoundly important key for inner guidance.

  • Building Your Mandala - Your Core Values - A powerful and illuminating practice bringing awareness to your deeply held, most important core values. We explore how they show up in your life when they are in or out of balance.

  • Life as Energy - Developing Skills of Energetic Mastery & an Introduction to the Chakras - An introduction to the subtle energies of your body, mind, emotions and higher dimensions, through the Chakras. Through sensory and visualization practices, attune to the language of your energy. Establish a practice of inner attunement, and learn techniques to nourish and cleanse your energy body.

  • Wisdom of the Water Element - Are You Flowing or Going Against the flow? - Deep dive into the profound wisdom of the water element which is associated with emotions, intution and dreams across many cultures. Explore where you are flowing or going against the flow in your life.

  • Becoming the Whisperer - Self-Soothing, Self-Compassion and Creating Emotional Ease, Wisdoms of the Heart Chakra - An introduction to the transmutative power of the heart to dissolve judgements and self-criticism through compassion. Learn practices to soothe heightened emotions, and explore the true power of softening perspectives and self kindness.

  • Singing Your Song - Expression, Joy & Wisdoms of the Throat Chakra - An introduction to the realm of the throat chakra, expression and the power of speech. We look at our spoken and silent words and their relationship to manifestation processes. The safety of the group offers a supportive container for heart-guided expression and celebration of your true song.

  • Giving, Receiving & Doing from the Heart - Purpose, Clarity & Direction - An exploration into the the laws of reciprocity, balance and momentum, looking at energies of giving and receiving and to where we lean on this continuum. We look at purpose, and the powerful effects of 'doing' through the heart. What happens when we live life and share from an open heart?

  • The Power of Gratitude - Learn to attune yourself through gratitude and appreciation. Explore why gratitude is a powerful vibrational medicine. Learn morning and evening practices to open and close the day in positivity and peace.

  • Creating Your Personal Mandala - A creative hands on and fun session in which you create your personal mandala, weaving in all of the learnings and awareness from the program.

  • Balancing Energies of the Feminine and Masculine - Progression on Your Path - Review, celebration and the onward path. What have your learned about yourself through this program?

How Can I Register?

Register at the link below by sharing a brief overview of your intentions and personal journey. I endeavor to respond within 48 hours.

Learn More About Mandala

Start now! Learn and apply some of the fundamentals of energy practices through this introductory training, Life Energy & the Chakras Mini-Series - Online Course, $39