Mandala Testimonials
What previous participants have shared …
“Over the course of the journey guided by Jess, I learned how to so simply and easily move and act from my heart’s center. Dropping into the heart center and operating from here has been monumental for me. It has transformed my understanding of how I utilize my energy most authentically and efficiently.”
“I loved it! This program and working with Jess is such a quiet force of transformation. It has been the best transformation, of accepting and surrendering to a path of ease after a quarter century of struggle, force, and labor.”
“My journey with Jess on this program has been one of subtle and gentle growth, many times walking with me through some uncomfortable situations in my life which I have overcome.
It has been a journey of allowing the heart to lead and sometimes quieting a very busy mind. I am more confident in who I am and my journey and understand that I am supported in a myriad of ways.
I am more comfortable to embrace the not knowing, or the times I am not clear, and I have even started to enjoy and appreciate these moments. I am leaving the program with a deeper connection to my higher self and feeling the strength and joy of being in community with like-minded women.
I know that I do not need to do anything but be myself to make a positive impact in the world, and I have the absolute knowledge that I am supported through this process. ”
“Establishing my core three values and using them as a touchstone on a day in day out basis has kept me in alignment and allowed me to respond to change, challenge and uncertainty in a wider and more grounded manner.
I enjoyed the meetings with other circle members because it was so helpful to see how each person practices the tools to respond to and grow from their unique circumstances and life events.”
“I’m very grateful for Jess and my experience through this program! I leave feeling more connected to myself. I’m clearer in my decisions and direction, and things really have opened up for me. I have started a new training and I feel I am now on a new path.
I also feel a play and lightness which I didn’t have before. This has helped me with my children, and with how I approach my day to day. In general I feel more more presence, calm and clarity. I’ve also noticed a deeper connection with nature, and feel harmony and peace to a greater extent.
Overall, I have better awareness of my emotions, and I experience more joy, ease and space in life. Thank you!”
“Life Energy Mandala was wonderful! Prior to beginning the program, I got quiet with myself and identifed three specific things I wanted to work on; enhance my intuition, trust the guidance and identify what to do in the next phase of my life.
With the loving guidance of Jess, I succeeded in achieveing my goals and love where this path has brought me. I have deeper relationships with my core family and friends, I let energy flow through me that I have no need to hold onto and I have deepened my connection to Native American cultures, history and ceremonies. I feel blessed and grateful to have Jess as a wonderful friend and guide in my life and highly recommend her Life Energy Mandala Program. With love and light”