Jess Lakin

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Are you dancing or fighting?

In recent days I've been profoundly inspired by the work of Dr. Hew Len and his teachings of the Ho'onponopono, a practice originating in Hawaii. The practice has shone a light on the oscillations of my mind and emotions, the triggers which send me into judgement, my tendency to look outside myself to blame when something doesn't work out, and the powerful seeds of my self-doubt. Ho'onponopono gently reminds me of my own responsibility. It's up to me whether I choose to dance or fight in this life.

Complaining, justifying, judging, analyzing, striving, blaming...these are all manifestations of the fight. The energy feels like a fight, a struggle. How different it feels to dance, to accept and find the gift.  

It reminds me of a time when I lived in Amsterdam. As most other people, I travelled about the city on my bike. This actually turned out to be one of the most liberating and joyful experiences of the city, however adapting to life on a bike wasn't an easy transition for me. Catch me on a dark, rainy, even snowy, cold winter's day, and I was probably cursing and complaining. However, one day something shifted. Cycling through a torrential rain storm and drenched to the skin, I experienced a moment of pure bliss, a sense of total liberation and joy. At that moment, I was simply embraced in the beauty ....the sensation of the streets drifting by, the sounds of my wheels splashing through the puddles, the heavy rain, exhilarating and sensual. At that moment I felt totally at ease with the world - I had moved into the dance and out of the fight.

I often think of this moment. I am still prone to complaining and judging, but sometimes I catch myself and remember, its up to me how I play this. I am learning to take responsibility. For every ache and pain, every negative thought, harsh and unkind judgement. I accept responsibility and ask for forgiveness. I offer my gratitude each time this presents itself as it provides me another opportunity to clear it. Finally, through embracing it with the full power of my compassionate heart, I find I am dancing....

Click here for more information on The Ho'oponopono.

Photo © 2018 Jess Lakin Bikes of Amseterdam