The Transformation of the Butterfly

"You know, there is no such thing as a baby butterfly! And, there is no such thing as a grown up caterpillar!". The profound wisdom of this statement from a child stopped me in my tracks. 

For days, I kept coming back to these words. I was wondering "OK, so am I a butterfly or a caterpillar?" I've got to say, I did't feel much like a butterfly. I wondered if I was somewhere in that in between phase, of being inside the cocoon. 

The truth is LIFE is a constant cycle of transformation. I'm no longer a spring chicken, yet I don't feel grown. I'm still growing. In fact, I feel like I'm going through one of the most significant transformational phases of my life. 

Many indigenous cultures look to the butterfly to illustrate the process of transformation. An idea pops in, the egg....we start to nourish the idea, flesh it out a little, the caterpillar....we put some real work into manifesting the idea, the chrysalis......we enjoy and share the fruits of our transformation, the butterfly.

With this in mind, I hope I never stop growing. Whatever form the transformation takes, I hope I'm still hatching caterpillars and emerging with butterfly wings into my old age. 

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