Jess Lakin

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Slow Dance of the Joshua Trees & the Wisdom of Stillness

We stayed for quite some time and watched the sky turn from gold to a deep dark blue. The moon, in her perfect crescent appeared from behind the mountain, and when the last of the meandering humans left and the stars appeared, the trees came alive. There on the high desert plateau, the Joshua Trees gazed to the heavens … as if receiving distant messages, in their statuesque slow dance.

Perched high on what felt to be the roof of the world, away from the turbulent energies of the pandemic, I was able to settle into a space of inner stillness. And in the settling, something opened within me. A sense of expansion and connection in which I felt intimately part of the landscape. Feeling the dance of the changing colors, feeling the trees and stones, feeling the intricate web of aliveness, which included owls, snakes, tortoises and prickly plants of all shapes and sizes.

And most strikingly, here in this space, emerged a deep and nourishing peace. It seemed to filter through my whole being … bringing a simple message “all is well”.

I am so grateful for the wisdom of this moment because it has reminded me of the incredible power of peace to bring renewal. And even as I write this, I find I can still touch into it. I know it is a peace which lives within me and I do believe this peace is there for each one of us.

This gift came that day only because I gave myself time to truly slow down. Had I been rushing, to snap a picture of the sunset and a quick tour of the trees - as I may have done in days gone by, I would not have been able to settle into that place of inner stillness. It’s reflected something about the rhythm of MY life and my tendency always be moving forward. I know stillness is a doorway for me, which I can enter and will take me into a place of peace and well-being.

I invite you to recall if there have been moments in your life in which you’ve touched into this deep sense of peace. What took you into this state of being? And take a moment, as you recall, what do you notice? Is this peace still alive in you?

This connection to inner peace and well-being, can be one of the outcomes of a meditation practice.

If you are interested to experience how a meditation practice can support you to navigate stress, and find an easier, calmer path through the day to day busyness, contact me through the link below. I offer easy to grasp practices which help you to get started on a renewed path of self-care.

Sending some of the magical vibes of the Joshua Trees!