"Meet you at Moonrise" ... Kachina Woman, Ancient Earth Mother and the Gift of Play
“Meet you at Moonrise at 4.18pm …”
Excited for the happy coincidence our Women’s Retreat in Sedona was falling on the Virgo Full Moon, and even more excited to realize our Saturday afternoon expedition would look to the rising moon … it all seemed like an extremely special sign.
However, where the time of “4.18pm for Moonrise” sprang from was something of a puzzle … yet, the words came from my mouth, and no-one questioned, and so we joyfully rode out in our caravan of cars to the hiking trail up to Kachina Woman Rock.
Something about this trail … a gentle climb along a path of incredible red sand. The type of red that feeds ones soul. Some of us took off our shoes and walked bare foot. It was as if a red carpet was rolled out for us by Earth Mother Herself, inviting us home.
Path to Kachina Women, Photo by JLakin
Seeing Kachina Woman for the first time rekindled a feeling of familiarity. There she stood, a spire of red rock, carved by centuries of weather, looking to the direction of the sunrise. She spoke to me of the most ancient of Earth Mothers … of Great Great Great Great Grandmother energy.
Our group, a pod of women of all ages, bubbled with adolescent excitement, giggles and laughter. We clambered and explored, sat and marveled. We hugged Kachina’s skirts, and soaked up her nourishing energy.
At a certain point, we pointed to the sky. It was already 5.30pm and still no moon!!! And as the sun began to set and darkness came, still no moon!
And then laughter at the ridiculousness of my initial prediction … “Since when does the moon rise at 4.18pm anyway?” Yet, we chose to stay, now a clear knowing that being HERE to witness the moon was purposeful.
Kachina Woman Rock. Photo by D Emad
As darkness came, a small group of us made our way back down the path. I looked back to see the rest of our group nestled within Kachina’s skirts, their laugher and joy ricocheting around the mountain. Kachina smiled … fully at ease … fully present. The most graceful, wise and compassionate of Mothers.
The words “We are ALL YOUR children” arose within my mind.
It was about 7.30pm that the Virgo Full Moon finally peeped over the mountain range. The sky was a deep blue black, the stars were shining, and Kachina with her children sat back to soak in the majesty.
Virgo Full Moon. Photo by AA
Virgo, an Earth sign associated with health and wellbeing, and feminine qualities of receptivity and intuition, seemed to guide the energy and focus of the whole retreat. It was such a sweet and innocent time, which was simply about enjoying the moment and savoring the goodness of ourselves, each other and the earth. Our weekend was filled with laughter and kindness!
These women, many strangers to each other at the beginning of the weekend, stepped in with openness and humility, and it was magical to witness their connection blossom and their light ignite.
The energies on retreat unfold like a gentle envelope of adventure. This was our 4th Retreat and I’m filled with gratitude for each experience. Each retreat is a special marker in time, deeply immersive, filled with layers and layers of wisdom, new awareness, all of which arises through the practice of coming together in circle.
I’m so grateful to each and every person who entrusts in us, and jumps into these adventures! By doing so, they are also powerfully jumping into their own wellbeing, and initiating something new and expansive for themselves. While we never know how this will evolve, we trust in the unfoldment, as all is held under the compassionate and smiling branches of the Mothertree.