In-Sync - Entrainment, Inner Balance & Surfing the Noise of our Times

Place 2 pendulum clocks on the wall side by side, set them off at different rates, and over a period of time they will synchronize to the same rhythm. This principle of synchronization, called Entrainment, was first noticed by physicist Christian Huygens in 1665, and has since become a well accepted principle of Physics. The principle is universal, and appears not just in mechanical pendulum clocks, but also in Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, and all aspects of human behavior.

The basic definition of entrainment is the tendency for two oscillating bodies to synchronize into phase so that they vibrate in harmony, with one entity resonating synchronously with another in response to its dominant frequency of vibration. The theory is that the less diversity there is in a system, the more energy it will conduct. Or put another way, it takes less energy for systems to work in cooperation than in opposition.

Within a small group we can see and feel this principle at work. Take a meditation class for example. Inidividuals arrive to the class from their day. They arrive as a mixed bag of mental and emotional states. But through the class, through the guidance and practice, and perhaps even the music, there is a gradual movement to synchronize together. This can be measured not only though subjective experience, but also in correspondence of brainwave frequencies between individuals.

Entrainment happens all around us, all the time. It occures biologically, such as when women who spend a lot of time together find their hormonal cycles synchronizing. It occurs sociologically such as when people in the same groups or communities dress and think similarly. We can consider entrainment as a principle which is operating across society and our global community.

Does this mean we are at the whim of whatever dominant energy is within our environment? Perhaps! However this energy is only dominant because we have given it our attention. Through our awareness and focus, we can consciously tune into the energy we choose is best for ourselves. Just like a radio station, we can turn the dial to the station which is right for us.

In the context of our modern times, where there are so many voices and influences, and some which speak very loudly, it is helpful to ask ourselces “what is the lead energy here?” , “to what am I entraining?”.

Behind all of the noise of our human experience, there is the ultimate of guiding rhythms which swings to the natural harmonics of life and wellbeing. This is, of course, our natural world, with her rhythmical cycles, the ebb and flow of the tides and seasons. If you find yourself feeling pulled away from what you know to be your center, it may be time to adjust your focus and look to nature. Go for a walk, breathe the fresh air, sit with a tree, or spend time with an animal. After a time, you may notice yourself moving into a softer, calmer and more reassuring rhythm of presence.

To learn more about how to work with principles of energy to support health and wellbeing visit Life Energy and The Chakras Mini-Series. This mini-series of discussions and meditations offers new perspectives and simple practices to stay grounded and centered, whatever the external noise.

Jess Lakin, August 2024

#entrainment #in-sync #lifeenergychakras #energy #grounding #centering #meditation

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