5 Steps to Living Inspiration
Can you remember the last time you experienced a moment of inspiration? A flash of an idea or a vision of new possibilities? Recall what this felt like. Perhaps it came with a sensation of pure vitality and lightness, and a feeling of excitement. These inspirational moments may come at the most unexpected times, while driving, or listening to music, often while in a dreamy easy space when the mind is relaxed.
It has become my view that these little seeds of inspiration, these dream seeds of possibility are a powerful source of energy and life potential. They come to us as gifts, as guiding arrows to say “go this way … place your energy here!”
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Mothertree Women's Retreats
Mothertree Women’s Retreats started out from a call to provide an in-person experience for the women who had been attending our Thursday Night Women’s Circle over zoom during the pandemic. There was a desire in the Circle to meet each other. It was the ignition we needed to make a start!
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Power of Sisterhood - Journey of an online Women's Circle
There is something quite magical which occurs when women come together in community. In my own life, even after moving to faraway places, feeling part of a supportive community, a Sisterhood, has been paramount. Perhaps this is why I was first drawn to create women’s circles, and it was through establishing these circles that I began to see, time and again, how the space supported personal transformation. That gentle forward momentum that came through being together, listening to each other’s stories and sharing.
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Slow Dance of the Joshua Trees & the Wisdom of Stillness
We stayed for quite some time and watched the sky turn from gold to a deep dark blue. The moon, in her perfect crescent appeared from behind the mountain, and when the last of the meandering humans left and the stars appeared, the trees came alive. There on the high desert plateau, the Joshua Trees gazed to the heavens … as if receiving distant messages, in their statuesque slow dance.
Perched high on what felt to be the roof of the world, away from the turbulent energies of the pandemic, I was able to settle into a space of inner stillness. And in the settling, something opened within me. A sense of expansion and connection in which I felt intimately part of the landscape. Feeling the dance of the changing colors, feeling the trees and stones, feeling the intricate web of aliveness, which included owls, snakes, tortoises and prickly plants of all shapes and sizes..
And most strikingly, here in this space, emerged a deep and nourishing peace. It seemed to filter through my whole being … bringing a simple message “all is well”.
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Self-nourishment through inspiration
Happy Earth Day and Taurus New Moon, and blessings from Lakshmi’s roses!
This rose bush has become very special to me. Over the past years I’ve spent most days meditating in her presence. And she has always been incredibly abundant, providing flowers for my altar and my home.
A few weeks ago, nearing the lockdown situation, I arrived to my morning meditation to find she’d been severely pruned! The fact this happened at that moment was incredibly upsetting. As the weeks have passed, I’ve continued to meditate in her presence, and then, around a week ago the first flowering bud emerged. And look at her now - I have never seen her in such abundance!
I feel a gentle yet comforting wisdom in the message she is conveying. That even during moments which seem bare and depleted, there is an underlying process of rejuvenation. Even if we can’t see change, to hold space for the movement that may be happening in the pause.
During this journey of the roses, I have noticed a mirroring in my own life. After lockdown happened, I moved into a phase which felt like a pause. It was few weeks of sifting and recalibration. But as I aligned to the new rhythm, as the mud settled and the picture became clearer, I notice a gentle forward movement, and there have even been some beautiful opportunities emerging. Just like the roses, in my own way, there has been a blossoming.
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Support for Children During Change
It is a month since the City of Los Angeles announced the physical distancing policy, and yesterday we received the news that schools will not go back until the new academic year. It was met with sadness in our household. No dramatic tears but a quiet sadness.
As I tucked my children into bed last night, a quiet moment opened. I was able to see into their eyes and was suddenly touched by their feelings of confusion and worry. The news of not returning to school for several more months, tipped the emotional balance.
I realize these past weeks, I’ve been in something of a reactive state … it’s understandable and normal. After the closure of school and work spaces, I jumped into dealing with the immediate need to make adjustments to our routine, reshuffling our resources, figuring out how to keep some semblance of normality, a juggling act of school, my work, meals, shopping, daily exercise trying to squeeze in some fun.
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Gentle Revealings
Taking heart from this dream that I’m called to share. We are supported by our ancestors. Take comfort and connect to what is of real value, our loved ones, the earth, the trees, tend to the soil, nurture and water seeds of change.
My dream from last night,
“In the dream my valuables, passport and credit cards, have been taken from my house, and it is left turned upside down and totally disheveled. This is not a house I like anyway.
I go out into the garden and lean against a tree. I close my eyes for a moment to breathe. I have neither energy or will to go back to the house. When I awake something calls me to look back. There is a shed at the bottom of the garden and a figure comes out of it. When I approach I realize it is my Grandfather. I know his shed is beautifully organized, I don’t even need to see inside.
He says “Look, first you must tend to the soil. Turn it over, then rake it, see it becomes so fine.” He shows me as he rolls the soil between his fingers. “Then make these little rows. Watch as I drop one seed at a time, with plenty of space between. Then push the soil back over, sprinkle a little bit of water, and come speak to them every day.”
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Riding Waves During COVID-19
If you are anything like me, you may have been feeling unsteady over recent weeks. I can recall speaking with a friend back in January, of a news report I’d heard about the emergence of a virus in China. Since then, I’ve had half an eye on it, watching with a kind of surreal birds-eye perspective as the mandala of dominos has rippled out to illuminate our intricate global interconnectedness.
Well, it has now arrived and recent days have seen rapid and incredible action in many places around the globe. The schools and social venues are closed, shop shelves are depleted, air travel has folded, this was all unimaginable to me back in January. And so, over a period of days our lives, individually and collectively, are profoundly different.
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2020! Turn Inspiration into Action
As we saw the close of 2019 and welcomed in 2020, a new year and a new decade, I’ve been communicating with friends and family across the world, sharing wishes of health, love and peace. And i’ve been waiting … for my own inspiration and guidance. What is the message as we enter this new phase?
Like little bread crumbs, snippets of conversations, moments from dreams, they all seemed to come together into one simple message this morning.
“2020! Turn Inspiration into Action!”
That’s it and why not! Why not capture our inspiration and bring it into this world.
If you are caught in the loop of our daily news cycle and political game play … and feel yourself sinking into malaise about “what is the world coming to???!!!” remember we don’t have to be pulled down with the ship.
Know that the vibration you hold, your personal energetic marker, is important and affects the collective. Know that what you do is not insignificant. Each of us can use the opportunity of this life to inspire, uplift and support, for the benefit of all life on our planet. And the most effective way to step out of the maelstrom is to figure out what is important to us, what sparks our passion … and then to take action on it.
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Waiting for the Mud to Settle
“Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself?” Lao-Tsu
I’ve been holding this quote dear whilst traveling between countries ... trains, planes and automobiles. While I tend to do lots of my best thinking and dreaming in this space of moving betwix and between, it can also stir up lots of unsettled emotions ... doubts and worries.
It highlights a common experience when one takes on a practice of self-awareness. By turning the spot light on yourself, watching the activities of your mind moment to moment, it means that you do become more aware! No longer numbed, or operating underneath awareness, the emotions jump out and say “hey I’m here right now!” When these happen to be negative emotions, it can feel uncomfortable to say the least.
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